Ekstremi nisu poželjni: Ova fotografija izazvala je buru na Instagramu (foto)

Ekstremi nisu poželjni: Ova fotografija izazvala je buru na Instagramu (foto)

Autor: | 26/02/2016


Fitnes instruktorka Eši Bajns izazvala je pravu buru komentara na društvenoj mreži Instagram jednom fotografijom.

Ona je sportistkinja i vlasnica zdravog i mišićavog tela. Svedok je današnjeg rasta popularnosti plus-sajz modela čija se tela s viškom kilograma propagiraju kao zdrava i poželjna. S druge strane godinama je modna industrija servirala kao poželjne izrazito mršave manekenke koje su bile na granici anoreksije.

Tako je Eši postavila jednu kraj druge, fotografije ekstremno mršave i gojazne manekenke i pokušala da objasni kako oba ekstrema nisu poželjna.

Nije želela nikoga da uvredi, ali je znala da će ova fotka da izazove veliku polemiku.

- Devojka sa leve strane je očigledno neuhranjena. Možda je genetski sitna, ali očigledno je da jede manje od 500 kalorija dnevno da bi održala ovakav izgled. Ona ne vodi zdrav život i nije dobar uzor za mlade devojke. Mršave devojke su čestu na udaru javnosti, a žene koje imaju prekomernu težinu i ne izgledaju nimalo zdravo su odjednom inspiracija jer su samouverene u kupaćem? Ja mislim da je to fantastično za njih, ali u isto vreme se ne slažem da je to zdrav izgled koji treba da se podržava. Žene koje očigledno jedu mnogo više nego što bi trebalo i ne vežbaju da bi bile jake i zdrave ne treba da dobijaju podršku javnosti. Ne kažem da su ružne ili nešto slično, ali samo ne mislim da su dobar primer - napisala je Eši i dobila brojne reakcije pratilaca koji su joj poručil da je bezosećajna.

I know this may cause people to get upset. But something id like to speak about and don't mean to offend anyone at all please know that and anyone who attacks me or calls me horrible names you will be blocked. I might not be perfect at wording the message I'm trying to get across but my intentions are not evil. . The girl on the left is obviously underweight - yes she maybe genetically small but it's pretty obvious she is not healthy and has not been eating a well balanced diet and would be on 500 or less calories a day to achieve her body - nor is she a good role model for young women. I hope she has some support around her to help her change her lifestyle . . The girl on the right I've seen in recent articles and apparently is an " inspiration" to the younger generation - I also think she is not a good role model for young girls. . Thin girls are slammed ALOT these days but females who are carrying more weight than what they should for there bodies, organs , moods , bones , cells etc to be " healthy" are now inspirations because they are confident in their swimsuit? . I think it's FANTASTIC she feels comfortable but at the same time I don't think it's a healthy body image that should be applauded. . It's not about having a 6 pack or no cellulite on your booty but HEALTH is not either of these photos. . Now I'm not saying I'm perfect or anything like that but I just think it's sad that women who are obviously eating a lot more than what they need and not moving their bodies to be fit , strong and healthy are getting praise. I'm not saying either are " ugly or ANYTHING like that " just don't think either are healthy role models and shouldn't be given praise. . There is no " perfect" body and no two bodies are the same BUT it is obvious when someone is living an extreme lifestyle one end or the other and I hope girls find other role models to help them achieve a healthy lifestyle. It's always my goal for women to FEEL and look their best and teaching them balance and a healthy active happy lifestyle. . Remember ANYONE who is making rude nasty comments think before you type as you will be blocked.

A photo posted by Snapchat : ashybines1 (@ashybines) on Feb 21, 2016 at 10:12pm PST

Drugi su se apsolutno složili s njenom konstatacijom i podržali je jer je konačno neko rekao pravu istinu po pitanju ekstremne mršavosti i gojaznosti koje se propagiraju u modnoj industriji.

A photo posted by Snapchat : ashybines1 (@ashybines) on Feb 16, 2016 at 10:28pm PST

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, Foto:guliver/thinkstock/instagram hellomagazin
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